Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Singing in the Store...

So I don't think you can be a true mom until you embarrass your child at least once in their life... 
I got a head start! :) 

I was singing to him at Walmart...a Disney song of course...when he  squeezed his eyes shut quickly as though I wasn't there and he was embarrassed I sing to him in public. Hahaha! Oh I can't wait until he's a teenager and I dance down the cereal aisle! :) I'm loving being a mom! 

(This picture was taken though at another time...would have been amazing had I captured the Walmart moment, but this is just as good! 
We were out to lunch with Krystan, and he decided he didn't like those bright lights! :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Steak and Ice Cream

Pollyanna Whittier: My father used to say that if we ever had the money you have, we would eat steak and ice cream three times everyday! 

Hi Everyone! Welcome to our new family blog! Here I will do my best to post updates of our family life, pictures of us and all our goings on! :) 

Why Steak and Ice Cream? My favorite Disney movie is Pollyanna and we like to play the Glad Game in our family. It seems oh so fitting that although we don't have much financial abundance at present, the glad part of that single income means the privilege of allowing me to staying home with our children. God has blessed us so much and enjoy creating memories that are priceless! 

We plan to make steak and ice cream moments with what we are given each day! 

For my creative side, photography, inspiration, and writings...check out my blog at hisartistaj.blogspot.com