The Cousin's Came to visit!!
Getting all 4 cousins to sit for a picture...hahaha! This was the best one. I think its time to use some special software and make a complete picture.... :) But for now, this one is the best. :)
The girls were in love with their little cousin! They couldn't get enough holding time! :)
Just Love this picture!!
I just Love this picture!! Ever so patient Aunt letting little hands do hair! :)So adorable!! Love this little 3 and a half year old!
Baby Bear Loved all the attention from his cousins! The day after they left he was rather bored with just Mommy to entertain. He now likes to be turned out to see all the action...doesn't want to miss any extra attention he might get. :)
It was a wonderful visit that went way too fast! I do hope someday we can all live so much closer, but I know it sure has made us cherish our times together when we get them. It was so much fun to see my nieces love on my son and get to see my sister on the Aunt side of spoiling with cuddles and snuggles. The next visit can't come soon enough.