Thursday, October 4, 2012

Preparing to become four...

Hard to believe our little family is about to become one more! No longer the cute little newly weds playing house, with a baby…we are going to be a family of four! It is really any day now.

We have been preparing for baby; I’ve been in full nesting. Making lists, and more lists! Cleaning, scrubbing in spare time and getting the nursery ready. We decided not to move Little Bear to a new room, mostly because he hates change and we want to make this transition to big brother as smooth as possible, not resentful baby took over his room. Because of that I’ve gone through several decorating theme almosts…from Mickey Mouse toddler room, to “It’s a small world theme” to settling on Neverland! That way if it’s a boy we can add more Peter Pan and Lost Boys, and if it’s a girl we can add more Wendy and Tinkerbell! J Aunt A, pictures of the nursery soon!

 We were blessed with some craigslist finds, a crib and cubby bookcase for free, a rocker for $10 (Kyle thinks its hideous in color, its retro 70 strips I think are rather cute!) and toy bin for $15, and then an old dresser from my great grandma I used all growing up…with paint and the hard work of a beloved friend...she worked two hard days…a viola! A beautiful white nursery! Now all that is left is to add the details to the decorations. I'm probably one of the only moms who can "shop" in her own home for Disney decor, which is exactly what I did, finding several key Peter Pan themed items that are perfect! I'm feeling rather ready today! I even have the baby clothes washed!

What has been so special and have loved is that I have had my mom come and help me around the house, and getting the nursery ready too! That time has been cherished! Some of you know she was in TN last time, and they all arrived at the hospital just in time for when my Doc came out to announce we had a son! This time having my mom and sister and dad around has meant so much to me. Even getting to pray over the baby, feel the kicks and wiggles, and know when I call they are 10mins away from the hospital, not a long plane flight. (These wonderful family snap shots were taken by my wonderful mom! She is so fabulous at remembering to grab the camera and take pictures, and I love these family shots we got tonight!)

 Other family news, Doc loves his job in IT work and is the most amazing daddy! He has been great at helping me around the house with my long lists, of things I can’t reach or do myself. He’s been patience with my impatience at my energy level and the necessary back rubs he has been so wonderful to accommodate me with. I don’t remember hurting this much with Little Bear, although this one already is bigger then brother’s birth weight…good for baby’s health, hard on my back. :) I’m feeling overall healthier, despite the gestational diabetes, not as swollen and puffy as I was before…I can still wear my wedding ring. I have already ordered a cake doughnut though to celebrate baby’s birth and no more GD. White cake, with white frosting and sprinkles! Oh I’m salivating already!

I had to add this one cause of how mischievous he looks!

Mother and son!

Father and Son!

Family of 3...for just a bit longer

Hospital bag is packed, kitchen is scrubbed, and my long list has grown shorter…probably won’t get to the re-staining of the woodwork around the house...but we are ready for baby Roo-Bug’s arrival! I’m excited to meet you little one! Boy? Girl? Any day now we will know! Until then…

Little Bear- 17 and a half months!

Wow! So I don't think I've written a post about Little Bear since his birthday! How does one cover 5 months of growth, when so much happens daily! My baby boy transitioned into a toddler, running, jumping, squealing, laughing, and talking toddler over the summer. How much daily joy he brings us! New discoveries and mimics to new words and actions! 

I'm so blessed by this little one, even though now there are now warnings, count downs, and time outs incorporated into this new phase. I shouldn't be, but I am amazed on how much he does understand and learn sometimes hourly.  

He is now a full 20lbs, with 8 front teeth and 4 molars…he shows off often with his smiles. Our home is filled with his giggles and chatter!
We decided to play outside at Mimi's and Papa's house...there just happened to be this great big beautiful Autumn tree and much to Little Bear's delight Papa and Mommy tossed the leave on him! Following pictures show his delight! I can here his giggles and squeals in every photo!
 Walking...well that was a whole new world! It was so much fun to see him just get it! Much like crawling, he was tentative at first, knew he could get around faster crawling. We both got to be there for his first take off steps from Grandmas lap, to standing to my arms! Then it was cruising around the furniture a step way here and there, then my mom brought out a push toy on family dinner, and that was all the confidence he really needed. He loves to be chased...giggles and squeals ring out during the race of "I'm gonna get you!"

As he has gotten taller so have our “safe” zones of items. I think the top of the fireplace and computer cabinet top are the only spots he can’t reach now. I love looking over and seeing his little fingers as he runs his cars over the couch arms.

He holds our hands to pray with us at meals. Which just makes my mommy heart melt. My continued prayer is hearts for Jesus in our children. 
 Favorite words are.... Uh Oh! (after he deliberately drops something) 2nd favorite word is … that!?! ....It’s as though the world is a bunch of flash cards and he wants to know every item. Other words include, Papa, Daddy, Dada, momma, tank ew!, i id it!, more, book, shoes, milk, all done, I uv u! and smacks his lips with mmm’s when he does like how something tastes.

We made counting to three fun…so the other day when I tried to use it sternly counting a warning…I said one…and he delightfully and enthusiastically shouted back “Two! So…trying to count down instead for warnings…

He knows more then he says, such as I asked him where his drink was the other day and he got it for me. He will point to his ear, eyes, nose…or yours, if you ask him those words. He also loves his nap time/bed time, for if asked if he is tired and ready for bed, he will head straight to his room and crawl up into the rocker, sometimes grabbing a book waiting for you to cuddle with him. He has started waving to us with a big smile when we leave the room, turn and say I love you.

 He is my cuddle bug, will just crawl up into my lap and drape his arms around my neck, rest his head on my shoulder and sigh. I’m thankful for his butterfly and Eskimo kisses, with the occasional full mouth very wet kiss he throws in.

My favorite time is in the morning…I know morning right?! Well he isn’t a fast waker upper. ;) So with his morning milk, we will cuddle on the couch, usually watching a PBS show, or baby Einstein. Before nap time or bed time, rarely he falls asleep in my arms any more, but if he does, I don’t care what I have to do or where I have to be…I hold him and cherish those moments, as they are already going too quickly.
 He loves to sing Eeee Iiiii, eieieieie! Mostly to any song, likes to direct the music too in tempo, and has a favorite little musical dinosaur, he carries around, presses a song to dance to at any given moment. He LOVES to dance. He will grab your hand and get you to dance with him too. The other day I was putting on my make up, and I usually play music as we get ready, he dances around with his tooth brush. He reached for my hand and I thought it was so I would open the door to the bedroom. Nope he took me to the open space and started to turn around, wiggling his little rear-end, arms and legs, motioning to dance with him!

Along side music thread, I have that small children’s piano. Its now been placed on the hearth…a stage we never had to set, he knew that elevated surface means an audience, When he is playing the piano, sometimes only a note or two he will turn and demand some applause before continuing. That stage also gets good show time in with more music and special kick dancing.

He also still loves books and I enjoy our reading times, his own versions of reading are hilarious, with extended vowels and jaw dropping exaggeration on his “word”…makes me wonder what I must sound like to him as I read. 

 We’ve had some food wars. Not so much in trying new food, but eating food. He was there eating a ton, and has now gone to not eating much at all. I don’t want him to be a picky eater, but when weight is still an issue…finally in the 1% weight wise, I don’t want to loose ground we had. Each day is a bit of a challenge, for something he liked and gobbled up yesterday, won’t touch today. At least the Doctor reassured me it’s normal and just keep trying different foods. One steady calorie intake is milk, and will drink about a whole gallon in about 3 to 4 days. 

Also normal were his blood work tests! No celiac or other allergies that could be causing any weight delay. My theory is more genetics and he is sooo active. Boy doesn’t stop unless asleep…even then, he crawls, talks and sometimes cries out in his sleep. :) He is burning calories left and right. Hard to keep up. He is though very healthy. His back is strong and no troubles there with the little bit of fat (Still ironic its fat that’s the problem/non problem) on his spine. Hasn’t hindered growth, or movement in any way, specially since he’s running now and can climb so easily.

Funny moment…couldn’t reach what was on the bathroom counter, so he emptied a drawer so he could stand in it, and then reach. Today he pushed a dinning room chair over to the kitchen to climb up to “help” me with the dishes. We have to fight him for use of the broom, and teaching him about taking turns sweeping….

Loves to play outside at any given chance, rocks are his favorite. We went on a walk around the block and he had to stop at every yard to examine the different zeroscape rocks they had. Will grab his shoes and have you put them on as to say, ok I’m ready, lets go out an play! I don’t have any trouble trying to get him out the door to go someplace, mostly just keeping him from running too fast once we are out there. The park equipment has been new in exploring and he went down the slide all by himself the other day when he was there with daddy. I missed it…boo!

I’m not sure when this came about, but he learned to grab our hand to either have us go somewhere to be shown something, or to play with him at something such as cars or blocks, or have you do it for him, such as he wants out of his seat in the grocery cart, he will grab your hand towards the buckle cause he knows you can undo it. Hehe.

Favorite toys are cars, with included motor sounds…his are much better then mine…he tends to give me a look with a sigh that says oh mom…at least you tried. Blocks are in the mix, phones either play or your cell phone. He use to hold it up to talk behind his head…I loved that! Now holds it to his ear and jabbers away with the occasional pause to “listen” to the other end.

 He shouts Daddy or looks up excitedly from whatever he is doing! When he thinks he hears the garage door…sadly sometimes its just the washer on spin cycle. He loves his daddy time. Saturday mornings, my hubby is so great and will let me sleep in, while he and Bear have father son time. Last weekend, he snuck into our room, while Doc was preparing some breakfast, stood by my bed and said the most exuberant HI! I think I said having a fun time with Daddy and got from him a clear Yeah! And he dashed out again. That’s the best way to wake up right there.

As I have said, every day is something new. It’s beautiful and amazing! Of course its not “all hearts and flowers”…but who wants to hear about the times I said no for the 100th time, or poopy days…literally, or midnight waking, the exhaustion, or  the day all I accomplished was a shower, or his fear of changing tables, or his winey grumpy challenging everything I say days. I cherish my “heart and flower” moments of being a mom. And I cherish my baby, now toddler all too soon to be a boy into man…I cherish this season of being His mommy! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

BBQ and farm animals!

We took a little adventure over a long weekend in September to use up some airline credit vouchers we had to use before October. We kept going back and forth until the very last minute...I mean last minute, since it was the very last window of time I was allowed to fly....we debated about whether or not we wanted to try to travel with a then 16month old, and being pregnant where could we go that was fun, yet not too taxing and where could my Doc get really Good BBQ...well KC of course to visit my sister and her family!

I'm so glad we made the trip! Even if it was HOT! Little Bear did fantastic  we brought bottles for his ears since he doesn't take a pacifier, and used a backpack carrier to basically strap him to Doc's chest for the flight. (Its amazing how a plastic up with a lid, napkins, wrappers and a straw will keep Bear entertained!) 

My sister also came with a bonus of baby things, which kept our packing and carrying much lighter! I loved having the weekend to just catch up on everything! We aren't much for getting to have long conversations on the phone, because of kiddos these days, so it was so wonderful to share all going on in our lives. 

It was a wonderful weekend, time with the cousins was special, the girls both wanted to marry Bear...I was told, instead of calling him baby bear though, he will be called Daddy Bear when he is older. Haha! Love it!

The boy cousins got along great! Little tough sharing for either of them, but it was lots of fun to play cars, trains and with animals. 

We attended their church, and there was a guest first we were all, oh great...always seems to be when we are visiting... However, it was a God thing, and his message spoke so much to us all. It was like getting a long drink of water we've been craving. I'm still mulling over my notes from that time. 

Our hubby's conspired to eat at a hole in the wall BBQ place that was AMAZING! and we took a family outing to a farm, that I wish we had something like that here. From feeding goats and fish, to play ground slides, to historical side bits to explore. So much fun! 

Loving the strut! 

No fear of a captive audience! He knew the answer!  hehe

See...correct answer! haha! Oh I love this!

Feeding the goats

Feeding the fishes! we saw a huge turtle too!

I love this one of H.

all helping to feed the goats
P- Beautiful and already in her first couple weeks of Kindergarten!

H- Four and adorable!

M - so handsome, and love that he is holding onto his new favorite of toys, a little animal

A good time was had by all! It went way to fast! But I am so glad it worked out for us to go and grow closer as a families even though distance separates us. I can't wait til the next visit!

Summer time past time...

So been a long time since I have blogged...Goodness! Little Bear is off and running every where! Another blog update on him soon. :)

Our crazy summer life really didn't stop. So one quick summer update recap!

 I want to start with update on Baby Roo-bug heart! Thank you so much for all of those prayers! August 13th we found out the heart has had a complete healing! Praise God. I truly believe this Baby had so many people covering the heart in prayer that God's hands touched it and fixed those PAC's! No pauses, no stops, no issue...a strong, steady, and healthy heart beat!

We had wonderful family visits in June, my grandma, and sister and her 3 kiddos arrived to share the visit. (Pictures are well some where) Then My Aunt C and Cousin visited in July! Some of you know we had horrible fires in June, the devastation part of the fire was also my hubby's birthday...and because of the major evacuation going on around us...we were safe on the other side of town...we didn't take any pictures around those events other then the fire...and there are plenty of those around online so I won't post any of ours here. So no pictures of my birthday or my hubby's! Oh well. guess we are getting older....

We took a long weekend, just hubby and I to Breckenridge and it was so wonderful! Just a time to relax, eat some amazing BBQ and celebrate 3 years of wonderful marriage! I love you Doc! Even more then the day I married you! ;)

My silly boy this summer!

His favorite drawer in the kitchen 

playing his favorite toys! Tupperware and straws

We went to Cow Appreciation day at CFA and I think he was the cutest little cow there! And we all got a free meal!

He's just so utterly cute! ;)

It was a fabulous summer! The heat wasn't bad at all, even preggers and specially once our air conditioner decided to start to work...another hand of God since we didn't know how we could afford to fix it. We spent a lot of evenings with walks as a family to the park, enjoying the neighborhood pool, lots of great extended family dinners, preparing some for Baby's arrival with some house updating, a successful garage sale, and enjoying time with those family and friends who visited. It was indeed a fantastic... although flew by so fast...summer.