Saturday, September 24, 2011

5 Months!!

Oh my Little Love bug is 5 months old! Growing so much and so fast!
He enjoys play time with different toys, reaches for anything he can try to put in his mouth and anything he can kick...including my shoulder when nursing. He LOVES the kick toy from Aunt A. W. and his blue elephant from Aunt A. H.
He loves to smile  specially when Daddy is home, and giggle like crazy at bath time when Daddy bounces him or drops him on the bed.
He has started more of a regular nap time which is great for me! I was able to have a home cooked full meal all last week! . :)

Medical Update...his MRI is Monday...7am. so do pray. Pray for that there isn't anything wrong at all! That he has been healed and for the test its self. :) I think for me my main concern is that he with be given anesthesia and that's my worry there with him being so small there can be complications, so pray those away. Thank you for all those prayers and Support!!

1 comment:

  1. You better believe I have been praying! From the moment I heard the date was set! He us so precious and getting so big. I totally see you in him, love it! miss you mucho!
