Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3 and 21!

Time, as I always seem to be saying is going too fast, specially when it comes to my boys growing up. I missed writing about month 2 and 20, but we were enjoying the holidays.

It was a wonderful time of family and food! Precious memories, specially getting to introduce my youngest to my grandma! Meaningful, as his name is in honor of my Grandpa’s legacy. It was so special. I loved getting to spend time with my nieces and nephew. It was great to get extra unexpected hugs from my nephew, makes me feel like I might be a favorite Auntie (note I said a, not thee…I know I’m not the favorite He loves us all) and my niece crawling into my lap asking me to read to her. It was a busy crazy time with 19 of us around, but truly was wonderful.

 Roo is now 3 months old! I can’t believe it. All too quickly he is growing out of the sleeping 23.5 hours of the day in my arms to our happy guy, revealing his personality. I can’t imagine life without him. It feels like he has always been here with us.
He is such a chunk a hunk! I love his pudgy thighs! I didn’t have that before with my first one being so tiny. He is currently almost more then half the size of his older brother, and twice the size his brother was at this age. It makes him sound huge, but he is only in the 30% and healthy Roo actually fits in the clothes for his age group! Bear is just now starting to wear 18month sizes…a little big though. 
 NO PAC to speak of too. He has a happy, healthy, heart!

Not sure what color eyes he will have. So far they have been a blue gray, now almost a silver color. His hair is lightening too. He went with the old man look for a couple weeks, lost all his hair on the top of his head, but it quickly came back, still a darker hue, but with a hint of gold to it. I love his smile! His dimples are so precious!

 Roo loves to eat, so no surprise there. I’m figuring out a new feeding /sleeping schedule with this one, since I don’t have to make sure to nurse him as much as I had to with Bear. Again all about weight, but he doesn’t need to eat every two hours, well hour and a half, plus a top of with a bottle which means using the pump…it was really hectic and for that I am thankful. Roo would like to eat every hour, even just a snack, if I let him, but we tend to be able to go every 3 to 4.

He also loves to sleep. Christmas Eve Roo gave us the gift of sleeping through the night and had pretty much done that every night. Going to bed at 8pm-ish to 6:30am-ish! There have been some nights with a midnight or 2am feeding, or up every hour…but overall, been an amazing sleeper!

 He also loved to be naked! Well, in only his diaper. He gets the biggest grin on his face whenever I change him out of his sleeper, he will go from crying to smiles, he stretches out, and then kicks those legs with major enthusiasm. He trying to roll over, but so far has not been successful…but does end up making a circle on the blankets.

He loves to be cozy warm while sleeping, but is a ninja at getting out of his super swaddle. Something I read on a blog, which is supposed to be hard to get out of…. Anyway, he is able to wiggle out of it, and how I have no idea.  
 He enjoys his baths too, and the mirror of his cute face fascinates him. He is learning to splash.

He is so strong! Started holding his head up after a few weeks old, and loves to be “stood” up, or sat up in our arms for a good look see at the world, although he isn’t too sure of the bumbo yet. I think it’s more of him wanting to be held if he can be. We moved the swing to the kitchen dinning area, because he hates to be separated from us in another room during meals. He does love to be held, and doesn’t like to do tummy time unless one of us is right there lying on the floor with him.

He has discovered his thumb last week. His right hand is his preference currently, but does alternate and he likes to chew on it with a huge grin. He does enjoy his binki.

His nickname of Sir-poops a lot has changed into Little Toot! ;) haha, need I say more. 
 He is a TV junkie like his brother, and will be fascinated watching a whole baby Einstein with Bear. Enraptured with musicals we dance too. Maybe it’s more my dancing then the music. Ha!

He has the best laugh! It’s just starting to emerge, been doing the silent laugh for a while, with his whole body wiggles. He also gets the hiccups when really delighted. So far, only mommy is super funny! I love that I’m the one to get him to laugh. He has been laughing in his sleep for a while, I do wonder what dreams a baby has that are so funny. 

 He does love to talk to us, coos and sighs are the best. He has a huff/gruff/snort/puff that I still say sounds like a bangle tiger. He will coo away to brother, who listens with intent rapture. I think Bear truly understands what Roo is saying.

He watches big brother all the time, as big brother watches him. Nothing makes me happier to see those two drawn already into friendship. 

 Bear loves to share his thing with Roo. Comfort Roo if he is crying. Bear gives Roo abundant hugs and kisses, and asks to hold him. (I have to watch, or else Bear will try to pick Roo up from tummy time for “hugs”) I love how Bear croons back to Roo and always making sure Roo is taken care of too. After naps, I usually get Bear first and he runs into our room and rushes to look in the bassinet to check on Roo. I’ve been transitioning Roo into his own crib. This really confused Bear to hear Roo’s cries, and not find him in the bassinet. He was very relieved I came in with Roo from the nursery.

My hubby went out of town for four days to a work conference, and Bear was my little helper. Including, one bath night, I managed to give them both a bath, in their sleepers, and rocked both of them at the same time on my lap before bed. I was rather proud of myself to hold both, they were changed, clean, and calm…three wonderful c’s. J It was special, as I read a book to them, Bear reached out for Roo’s hand and they sat there in my lap holding hands. Priceless.

 Bear is 21months! So close to being two, it blows my mind.

 Bear is our ball of energy. He doesn’t stop when awake. Always busy. If he is not playing with his cars, then it’s musical instruments, or it’s drumming on the Tupperware. His favorite is Mickey, he calls Key. Loves the “that” game still, mostly with animals he sees. He will point out the cows, sheep, dogs, ducks, chickens on the pages of his books or toys or blocks. He had a book with Mickey the other day, trying to get him to say it back to me, instead he climbed off my lap, dug through his toy box and pulled out his Mickey mouse stuffed toy, I’m stunned he knew a 2D picture to a 3D item was the same. I am amazed at what he does truly know. I was so delighted to find out when I asked him where his ears, nose, mouth, eyes, hair and fingers were, he knew exactly what I was saying.

 He does have his own language, with words we understand yet many we don’t. but he does assume we completely understand him…so we have to be careful, not to just say yes, or yeah or uh huh... cause he really does think he is asking us something, and we could be agreeing to him climbing on the table…but at least he asked. :) I do love his chatter. He really loves to talk on the phone, so if you ever want to call just to chat, he will be your man.

Anything and everything will be a phone too, from a block to the silver snap that attaches the binki to Roo. Not sure all who he is talking too, but he will… “hmm uh uhah ….hahahaha” Through it all. It cracks us up! 
 My Bear LOVES to dance! We have been sick for almost a month, and since mommy’s don’t get sick days, musicals have been a huge help to when I have nothing left. He loves Sound of Music. And he sat through that whole movie!! Well…sat…danced through that whole movie! No wonder he sleeps so well!

Running is a joy. Games of chase are a favorite. He can now take the steps walking down without help or sliding backwards.

More teeth have revealed themselves, just adding to Bear’s wonderful grin. I love our little stinker-bean, when in trouble, he says “Hiiiiiyeeea”(His hi in a super cutesy voice and gives this great grin that says- I know I’m in trouble, so I’ll be as cute as can be to try to get out of it- He still gets his time out, but its super hard not to grin back at him. Silly boy.

 He loves those books still. I hope always will.

Bears favorite foods are milk and chocolate. Sometimes together. :) Well it varies daily overall, something he liked yesterday, or the week before, doesn’t today. Try to be consistent with variety of foods. He does like his broccoli. Thankfully he is gaining weight steadily, not huge amounts, but at a good pace that he is staying on the same curve of 8 to 9% and 30% in height.

He has the deepest chocolate brown eyes! He gets that from my dad’s mom. I love his fly away curls! Fighting to keep them…some have been telling me I need to cut his hair…not realizing all they are doing in making me all the more stubborn to wait. :) I also know what its like to weekly cut that boys fingernails…lets just say out of everything of being a mom…I HATE clipping their nails and I worry the neighbors will think I am beating them. If you want both to scream bloody murder…just pull out the clippers. No matter how I have tried to make it easy, it’s like wrestling an alligator. And as my hubby has proudly told me, he remembers that he would scream bloody murder when getting his hair cut…MIL confirmed this story. I would like to wait somewhat until we have a little more dialog established with Bear before we take scissors to his golden locks.

Bear does want to help me with laundry and chores. He loves to be handed the clothes to put in the washer or dryer. Putting his toys away is a game…more then not he does promptly dump out the gather toys in the bin, but we are getting there. He loves to sweep too, specially if he gets the dust pan. Sometimes a little enthusiastic and I caught him trying to sweep the refrigerator and stove. We had a talk about the broom belonging on the floor.

He not only does he laugh, cry and crawl in his sleep, he now talks in his sleep. I thought I had woken him, when starting to check on him and heard a boisterous hi! And then his following babble. He was completely asleep!

His giggle and laugh are so precious to me. I love to hear his squeals of joy.  
 Naps are still adjusting. Some days he just needs two naps. Some days, depending on how late he slept in, he takes just the one but it’s for a few hours.  And it’s usually a morning nap. He does ask for those naps too. He had grown out of cuddling before naps, sad for me for I loved that time, but also does make it easy to take care of both boys. It’s 50/50 to cuddles in the morning too. I am thankful he will still randomly just come up for a cuddle, and before bed snuggles in with a book on my lap, or leans in for a kiss just because.

There was some adjustment time with little brother, was for all of us, but he sure looks out for him now. Although after the first two weeks, he was more curious, then upset at the new family dynamics. I love that he is so protective of him already. When I go to leave he make sure Roo is with us, and has been so patient at the store, unloading and loading, reaching a hand to Roo, as though to reassure he won’t go far from us.

It’s all going by way too fast! I wish I could write all the stories to share every fun moment, even those un-fun moments of being a mom. I guess I will go back to treasuring this time up in my heart. I guess I'll settle for a few more pictures, worth a thousand words. ;) 


A Wink and A Smile! 

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