Monday, November 19, 2012

One Month!

Oh yes! I had to take this picture... Roo-bug, with Roo! ;)

 Roo-Bug is here!!

It sure amazing how such apart of life you already are, how you have already have settled into our family so wonderfully!

You have wonderful smiles you have been giving to us since day 4 and haven’t stopped. You have a hidden dimple on your left check that shows up only with your deepest smile.

 I love how soft your skin is, especially your feet. You have dark hair and dark blue eyes, we wonder if this is to stay or will they change.

You are very laid back. Love to be held, and are a great sleeper. You would love to sleep on your side if we would let you. You do like to be swaddled, nice and warm, but we have had to put little mittens on you at night to keep your hands warm since you like to wiggle your arms free and sleep with them above your head, like your daddy and brother.

You are a squeaker when you sleep, which is so reassuring to Daddy and I, your older brother slept so deeply that we were always checking to make sure he was breathing. All we have to do for you is listen, which is such a comfort to us.

You have the greatest noises. Your cry is so similar to your brother its crazy! Making us have déjà vu moments with your billy goat cry. A noise unique to you is a grunt of sorts that sounds so much like a bengal tiger’s puff.

Daddys extra nickname for you is “Sir- poops- a -lot” since you seem to poop whenever your daddy holds you, talks about you, or even comes into the room. He came home today, the garage door open and you pooped. Haha!

You’re strong trying to hold your head up at 2.5 weeks and you LOVE to stretch out like we’ve never seen.

You have hiccups like Bear …all the time. You hate it as much as Daddy does.  

 Little Bear loves you! He loves to help me pats your back gently to help burp you, push your swing slowly, (don’t worry other mom’s reading this blog, I do make sure to watch every time in case he decides to not be so gentle) and give you your binky, although he does also enjoy taking your binky and your blanket. He does make up for that with hugs, and kisses, that he gives generously. He also loves to share his toys with you, even his favorite cars. We were going to Mimi’s and Papa’s house for dinner, our first family outing, I told Bear he could bring only one car with him. He picked one out, then carried it over to you, making sure you had one too. Bear has continued with his favorite word “That” and loves to point out your hair, toes, fingers, nose….his first word when he meet you for the first time was Nose! He has said a variation of your name this last week!

 You have a birth mark on the back of your neck just like your daddy, your Mimi, and your Great Grandma. You also have crooked pinkies on your long fingers, another genetic trait, and your tiny toes are like mommy’s. Pulling out baby pictures you look a lot like Daddy did.
I do see your Aunties in some of your expressions. I can't wait for you to meet Aunt A at Christmas!  

Nursing has gone so well. Its amazing how less stressed that has made mommy! You are gaining weight steadily and healthy. It really is amazing how being born with 2 extra pounds has really affected the ease of your first month, especially on your parents. And how you are fitting into size 1 diapers already, how we had to go to the Doctor only once, and not go back for a whole month. Your outfits are fitting that didn’t fit your brother until he was at least 4 months old…he got really good use out of his newborn outfits. One sleeper already doesn’t fit you and some of the little hats.  We are thankful you are so healthy. We are so grateful for all the prayers, your heart is strong and has steady beat!

 Oh we love you so much! I can't imagine our family without you! 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Baby's here!

Roo-Bug is here!! We have a son! 7lbs 11oz, 20.5inchs. Arrived October 19th at 10:42pm

I don't say names on our blog if you haven't noticed, but I will tell you like his brother his name has family origin. Using my mom's maiden name we added two letters, but will keep the original name as a nickname for him to honor my Grandpa. (Bear's name is my Mother in Law's maiden name) and two Uncles, my brother and Doc's brother, middle names for his middle names. We like having two middle names...Bear does after my dad and my instead of having the name start with same letter like my family, or a specific letter in each name like my sisters, we decided on dual middle names. 

Now introducing... Roo! 

My family of four!

Little Bear loves his little brother!

Grandma with her grandsons!

Mimi and Papa with the boys! (Can you tell Bear wouldn't stay still?:) 

Content in Daddy's arms

It sure amazing how such apart of life you already are! 
And how you have already have settled into our family so wonderfully!

Second Star to the Right...

....And straight on til Morning!

I love how Baby Roo-Bug's nursery turned out! 

A special thanks to my mom, sister and dear friend who helped to make it a enchanting room! That when I had the vision of patterned stripes on the wall...they didn't totally want to kill me....lets just say the boys are never allowed to repaint the room! Even with the added extra day and a half of completed the room  making it a truly magical nursery! So Mom, Auntie A, My Doc, and Friend C....Thank you! 

I got these wonderful lights at our local thrift shop for just $2 each. Then with my hubby's help we printed these silhouettes,  and I carefully cut out the shapes. They turned out so stupendous! 

Another thrift store find by my mom, we painted it white, added the black back round  and I had some Peter Pan stickers!

My treasure find on craigslist, the crib for free! Got the bedding at a consignment store, new mattress, and a little polish to the wood, with some deep cleaning...turned out wonderfully!
 I don't have a better picture, but in the far corner there is a dresser we refurbished too, that was my great grandma's. We painted it white, took out the drawers... since they were broken beyond repair...put in particle board, painted that the dark blue to match the stripes, added baskets and voila, its perfect!! (I'll get a picture of it soon)
More on the wonderful stripes! The Darling's nursery is pink with wide and narrow stripes...well we didn't want to do pink. We went back and forth on green or blue, and once Roo was born and a just seemed right. My mom picked out the paint, my MIL provided the funds for the paint and the combo was glorious! My mom with the aid of my sister and myself were able to make my vision a reality. 

More refurbishment here... the little toy chest I got on craigslist, with a little elbow grease cleaning and white paint on the top makes it look brand new! I was happy it has a slow release catch so no smashed fingers.
My $10 recliner chair, that has lovely pink and brown retro 70s strips. although I loved the pattern, my hubby and mom did not...and since it didn't match so well, my mom found this wonderful white twin bed blanket in her closest that works as a great slip cover!
The cubby, was another great find! Free from a neighbor, we repainted its BRIGHT blueness into a soft white, and thanks to the $1 bin at Target I got the fabric bins to complete it.
The white curtain I labored over...not making just finding. We got it at Walmart, and we had found with Bear that blackout curtains really work for nap times, but white blackout? It can be done! So I used a liner and then a window scarf  to accent it to make it more ethereal. :)

These pictures I bought years ago at Disneyland cause I loved how they looked, one was a matted print, and the other two are note cards, so I got frames at Wally World. I'm probably the only person who can go shopping in their own home for  decorations...which is just what I did. I got so excited when I realized how many little items I had to complete the nursery. I feel these prints really did bring it all together.
I went back and forth a few times on ideas for the room, from Mickey Mouse (when Bear was going to be moved there) to Small World...if you saw the pink chair you'd understand how that theme started....I really wanted it to be a room as special as Bears turned out (Seen here Its been such a room of comfort with its magical enchanting theme. I wanted the same for Baby Roo.
 I'm so glad I went back to the Neverland theme, it is indeed enchanting.

We have a couple more details to add...maybe I'll get those done and pictured in an updated blog later...even not "finished" we LOVE this room!

I just love this room!