Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Baby! :)

Our Little Bear is such a happy Baby! :) Video capture of his grinning today! its wonderful to be greeted by this smile every morning, and during the day just so happy to see me.... I love it!

Update...he's grown! 7lbs 8oz. Wahoo! 21 inches long! Doesn't fit in his preemie outfits anymore, and those newborn ones won't fit much longer as he no longer swims in them. Aunt Aunie you would be proud. :) So the sonogram came back with some results that basically mean we are referred now to a specialist. We have an appointment to see them July 5th...My big 30th birthday! (Hard to believe I'm at that milestone in life already) Anyway, then from there they will schedule an MRI so they can get a closer look. Right now it does look like his spinal cord is attached to the spinal column....that needs to be hanging free within the spinal column, could be attached by a little piece of extra fat...funny ironic it would be fat since we want him to have extra fat...just not there. It would mean a surgery to un-attach it. Scary for this Momma Bear. Thankfully its not hurting him in any way now, without it though it would mean problems as he is older, walking and digestive. However, they can't determine for sure it is yet until the MRI. So we are still praying. Praying that with the MRI they find nothing and that he has been completely healed! :)

So had the two month check up, they were impressed at his rolling over, the nurse was sure it was a fluke...but since he's rolled over multiple times and then proceeded to try on the Doctors table, we showed her otherwise. We decided to do a few of the immunizations but to space them out, and not do them all at once. Got his first DTaP shot and did great! Screamed two good screams right at the shot, I picked him up and he stopped, didn't even cry after that. I think I was more traumatized. I seriously watched him like a hawk for the next 24hours taking his temperature every hour,  checking for that fever and it never presented itself. so phew! Hard decision to make for this momma, but after the Doctor said in her entire career she hasn't had one child react poorly with life time effects, but has had five children die of just pertussis. and with him being so little that was more of a risk. So we opted for doing a few of the more life threatening diseases. So that's the medical update! :) Thank you for those prayers, keep em coming, we will continue to ask for that support and for a complete healing of Little Bear.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Rolling Rolling Rolling! :)

It truly Happened! We grabbed the camera and got the 2nd roll over! Its official, Little Bear rolled over at 6 and a half weeks! :)


7 weeks old! So much more alert, and smiles all the time...only a hint of one here of course every time I grab the camera he stops. :) But still cute nonetheless. He loves his music. Loves to just watch us to see what we are doing. Loves the color red. still loves to be extra warm. Enjoys the sling only every other day, but at least I can get a few projects done here and there. Hates to be left alone for more then 10mins. Still sleeps like a rock. Doesn't like it when I try to multi-task during feedings and read. Hiccups all the time, so much so he will sleep through it. Overall just incredibly entertaining!

Sharkbait! Hoo ha ha!

Kyle's favorite line to use now with Bear is "He's such a little guy" from Finding Nemo. :)
Last Sunday our staycation we went up to Denver to the Aquarium. We haven't been there since the weekend we were engaged so almost three years ago! Wow times goes fast! D. loved all the fish, and couldn't contain his excitement...ok he slept through it all. :) But we had fun! 

 Crush: You, Mini-Man, takin' on the jellies. You've got serious thrill issues, dude. Awesome.

 Crush: Whoa, Dude. Mister Turtle is my father. The name's Crush

 Dory: [singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim

 Mr. Ray: All new explorers must answer a science question. You live in what kind of home? 

Nemo: An anemonemone. Amnemonemomne. 
Mr. Ray: That's okay kid, dont hurt yourself. 

 Squirt: Whoa! That was so cool! Hey, Dad! Did you see that? Did you see me? Did you see what I did? 

Crush: You so totally rock, Squirt! So gimme some fin. 
[they slap fins] 
Crush: Noggin'. 
[bump heads] 
Squirt, Crush: Dude! 


Dory: Wow. I wish I could speak whale... 

 Bloat: Nemo, newcomer of orange and white, you have been called forth to the summit of Mt. Wannahockaloogie to join with us in the fraternal bonds of tankhood! 

 Bubbles: So, the Big Blue. What's it like? 

Nemo: Umm... big... and blue? 
Bubbles: I knew it. 

 Marlin: Now, what's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? 

Nemo: It's not safe. 
Marlin: That's my boy.

(We took a similar picture to this three years ago...with a new sparkly ring on my finger! New addition is the baby in the sling! How fun is that?!)

It was so much fun! :) Loved getting to spend a family day with my boys! Happy Anniversary Doc, its been two wonderful years! I look forward to the next great adventures we have together and as parents. Love you! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pioneer Museum

I  have always wanted to go to the Pioneer Museum. Its a free museum downtown and we decided for our 2nd anniversary this year to do a staycation, and do some local things. Making it easier too to be closer to home and stick to the routine with naps, and feedings as best as possible. So we enjoyed a brunch at Mimi's with a gift card we had, and then a free museum. We had a blast! I love saving money! :) And being able to have a wonderful time to boot. This place was awesome! Had a lot of local history, including a horror story about the rats on Pikes Peak.... :)    

Enjoying the history of photography display 
 The original court room! 
Kyle enjoying the gun display
  Riding on a working Otts elevator! So cool! :)
 All tuckered out! :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

He slept

Little Bear had a test yesterday morning on his back. As a mom, that alone causes start to worry...from the results to even how he would react....
He slept through it! :) 
(here is is sleeping away on the hospital bed)

It was an ultrasound of his back, he has something which could indicate a problem with his spine so they wanted to investigate to see if it was what they call a tethered cord. It could be nothing, but they wanted to test to make sure it wasn't. With the ultrasound they did find a little something, but they couldn't for sure say it was the something they were looking for, since the markers they were looking for isn't in the area that they should be, to be 100% ok, and yet wasn't in the area they would be if things weren't ok. So there will be another test to see if it is what that it could be. A MRI. This Momma Bear is worried of course, and Daddy Bear too. It could mean a surgery, as this something could cause problems when he was older. It is scary for me, I want  So please be praying. I will update when I know more information.

Thank you for prayers!

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Seven Dwarfs!

My niece has this adorable mimic she does of grumpy from the Seven Dwarfs. Where she crosses her arms and furrows that brow and says in low voice..." I'm grumpy" then tosses her hands in the air, and in high voice "I'm happy!" I love it! This picture inspired me to find pictures of Bear with all his many expressions, he has so many not just the seven, but after this one was taken.... I just had too do a post with this theme. 
Caption is.... 

I'm Grumpy!

 I'm Sneezy! 

 I'm Dopey!
 I'm Sleepy!
 I'm Doc!
 I'm Bashful!
I'm Happy! :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Biggest Gainer!

He's now 6lbs.10oz!  
After several extra weigh ins, extra Doctor visits and different diets for him and me, success! We seem to have a steady weight gain and our prayer is that continues. He's so much fun to watch as he learned new things every day! His new trick is to hold his head up off your chest and look at you. And I've noted how much happier, already a happy baby, but even more so when I have music playing. Specially Disney Music. ;) Thank you all for those prayers! Keep em coming for him to just thrive all the more! :)